Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Anna: 9 months old!

My baby girl is 9 months old already!!!!  How is this possible!?  I know I always say this, but I don't know where the time has gone.  It's so hard to believe that a year ago, we were preparing for her arrival and I was around 8 months pregnant.  I have looked over my entries in my blog from a year ago and it's so funny to see where we were and where we are now - what an amazing year it's been!  We are so blessed!  
Anna is so sweet - she is such a happy baby and smiles for everyone - even the random people we meet at the store!  She had her nine month check up the other day and she weighs in at 16 pounds 4 oz!  I don't remember her length but will look it up and update as soon as I find the paper!  She is now in the 25th percentile for weight - nothing to be concerned about and her doctor is happy with her weight progress.  I think she is just petite, yet long.  Her dad thinks she's going to be a model!  Anyway, I think she's perfect!  She loves her pears and loves Veggie Straws - if you don't know what these are, Google it, because they are amazing!  They're a great snack and they keep her busy between feedings if she needs a quick bite!  She also loves broccoli and lentils!  Beans are a must for protein in her diet as she doesn't care for chicken.  She loves sweet potato, green beans, spinach, blueberries, apples, bananas, broccoli, lentils, potato, avocado and oatmeal.  She takes after her mama and tends to go for the plain jane type foods.  She is feeding herself some finger foods - Gerber puffs, cut up grapes, cheerios and the Veggie Straws I mentioned, but is still eating the pureed food I make her as she doesn't yet have teeth.   
Anna is crawling and getting into everything!  We finally purchased a baby gate and she wants to be a part of everything!  Cooking dinner is usually a challenge because she wants to be right up in the action!  She is still sleeping through the night and is finally taking one nap a day =)  
Anna is such an amazing little girl and we are excited to announce that she will have a cousin arriving in June 2013!  Amy and Geoff are so excited as are we!!  
Here are more pics from this month - as you can see, it gets harder and harder each month to capture our ever-in-motion Anna!

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